The Road to Your Ultimate Gluten Free Lifestyle
Gluten Free isn't the end of the Road
Watch the Intro Video here
Gluten Free is just a 'fad' isn't it? And Celiac Disease that's rare...right?
Perhaps you've been recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease, or told by your doctor to go Gluten Free... and have no idea where to begin?
"Googling" it: you've got a sneaky suspicion that 'life' as you knew it is 'over'? Or you have been 'Gluten Free' for a while and you're still struggling...
No more bread is typically the first thought...
...and then you realize cookies...snacks... Soups? Processed Meats?!... the list keeps growing...
Many people who are on the Journey to living a Gluten Free Lifestyle start out feeling alone, often confused.. Afraid? Frustrated?
Many get stuck there for years - struggling to not only heal... but just to re-connect with the comforts of sitting down to a meal without wondering if THIS ONE will put you back to the beginning?
I know, I was there, and it has taken more than 8 years to get to here - to where food is exciting and comforting again... and it's BEYOND just Gluten Free!
Did your doctor guide you to the answers you need, or are you still in the dark?
I felt so alone and confused when I first started my gluten free journey. I have learned a lot since then and I want to share my experience and knowledge with you so maybe you will have an easier transition than I did.
I have heard many people say that the support from their doctor ended with the diagnosis.
With this program, I will be there to support you every step of the way as you begin your journey. I don’t want anyone to feel alone, like I did, so everyone who keeps this course has lifetime membership in the Private Facebook group! Members of this class, and all classes offered by The Primal Health Coach - as well as myself - will be there to support you.
It’s daunting enough to know all your favorite foods make you sick. Let me guide you to a whole new world of gluten free where you won’t feel like food is your enemy and every bite is delicious and enjoyable.
Included in this course:
- Learn through Video, Audio, Quizzes
- Lifetime access to a PRIVATE Facebook group attended by the author and classmates
- Downloadable documents to help with
- Defining your health goals and expectations
- Identifying symptoms your Doctor might not look for
- Purging your existing 'pantry'
- Know exactly what to look for when shopping for
- Food
- Sundries (Gluten can sneak into your bathroom?!?)
- Cosmetics!
- Starting your Gluten Free vocabulary right
- Recipes
- Gluten Free All Purpose flour
- Paleo All Purpose flour
- Grain Free Baking Powder
Your Instructor
I once thought that my symptoms of constipation, bloating, and intestinal pain were normal. After years of believing this and with other health issues arising, I began more than a decade of effort, into discovering the true reasons behind it all. It has become my passion to help others shorten their time to heal.
My love of learning, lead me to continuous research into Celiac disease, gut health and healing. In my effort to help others, I began a gluten-free bakery in 2009, published a cookbook, and created a blog where I was able to provide information and recipes for those trying to navigate the gluten-free lifestyle. My family and I have been gluten-free since 2008.
When my health issues started to return 5 years ago, even though I was adhering to a strict gluten-free diet, the researcher in me went to work to uncover why I was not obtaining optimal health. My thirst for knowledge and understanding lead me to becoming a Certified Primal Health Coach which has helped me fulfill my passion to share the knowledge of how to set and achieve health goals with you and to help as many people as I can to find their Ultimate Gluten-free Lifestyle.
As a mother of 4 wonderful children, with a brilliant loving husband I have invested more than half my life to learning how to guide myself and others to obtaining their dreams. One of my other passions is to help others find the life they have always wanted and to learn to follow their dreams again. In pursuit of this passion I became a Certified Master Guide for the Master Key Experience, which allows me to guide others in following the compass of their heart.
I am excited to help others obtain vibrant health by going beyond just the typical gluten-free diet. I believe everyone can follow a gut healing diet and still enjoy amazingly delicious food.